2 days to Graduation Class of 2020!
For those that cannot attend, here is the YouTube link to view from home. It is not LIVE now, the stream will begin 9am Saturday.

Don’t forget to get your child registered for Kindergarten! Use the link below. Registration for other grades coming soon!

ABC Preschool Registration is OPEN! Click here! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1fDY_MhzjsjLpSYO4FhE9KKTivra7-RiHlQoHLwYkjCQ/edit?usp=sharing

STUDENTS: Want to work on coding? Click here : https://sites.google.com/bentonschools.org/bentoncoding/home

ICYMI: The video that has gone viral on Facebook from Benton Middle School seen more than 20K views!
Thank you THV11 and Michael Aaron for showcasing our #BPSPantherPride

WATCH: Benton Public Schools Board Meeting April 13, 2020. Watch here: --->https://bit.ly/3ehQNhZ

School Choice deadline is coming up! May 1st!

ICYMI: Coronavirus cuts senior year short for Arkansas students; Governor Asa Hutchinson announced students would not return to the classroom this school year due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Papa John’s donated 100 pizzas to Panther families to ensure kiddos had food this weekend.
There are no words for the selflessness of this incredible Benton business and community!
Thank you!

REMINDER: The Athletic Complex is CLOSED while the schools remain closed. That includes the track, please DO NOT jump the fence to access any part of the facility.

These women right here, there are no words than THANK YOU!
Working tirelessly to ensure all Panthers have the opportunity to receive a free GRAB-&-GO lunch this week!
Thank you to our food services ladies!

Stay Healthy Panthers, take care of yourselves!

April 2020 National Exam COVID-19--->
The safety of students & test center staff is ACT’s top priority. ACT has rescheduled its 4/4/20 national test date to 6/13/20.
For more info click here: http://www.act.org/content/act/en/covid-19.html

BENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT: REMINDER-GRAB-&-GO Breakfast served from 8-10a at Angie Grant and Ringgold Elementary Schools for all students in BPS thanks to sponsors in the Benton community.

Great crowd Monday morning for the groundbreaking of the new Saline County Career and Technical Campus off exit 114.
Great opportunities await for Panthers!

Spring Forward reminder—->

AP Physics build Newspaper Towers topped with a Snickers! 20 sheets, 1M of tape...here’s to some future engineers!

It's School Breakfast Week!

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!
Thank you Lieutenant Governor Tim Griffin for visiting Caldwell and Ringgold Monday morning to read some books!

Benton Elementary P.E. coach gets emotional as her kids prepare for marathon
Benton Elementary P.E. coach gets emotional as her kids prepare for marathon
A group of 40 Caldwell Elementary students have trained for hours to have their moment at the Little Rockers marathon Saturday morning.