BHS Parents and Guardians: Please read the following letter about CAPS Registration. Available at the link below. Padres y tutores de BHS: lea la siguiente carta sobre el registro de CAPS:
almost 3 years ago, Laura Kyzer
Parents/Guardians: Don't forget about Virtual Parent/Teacher Conferences tomorrow from 3:30-7:30 PM. Click on the link for more information.
almost 3 years ago, Laura Kyzer
pt conferences
Saturday School for 2/5/22 has been canceled. Stay safe and warm! #bhs #bhspanthers20212022 #bhssaturdayschool
almost 3 years ago, Laura Kyzer
Congratulations to MICAH HALL! She will be representing Benton High School and the Theatre Department at the State International Thespians level next Friday 2/11/22. She is receiving a Best of Show award and has earned a Superior Rating for her competition piece in the Musical Theatre category. She will be eligible to participate and represent BHS and it’s theatre department at the international level this summer! We are so proud of Micah and her accomplishments!
almost 3 years ago, Laura Kyzer
micah h
micah h
Due to inclement weather, Benton Public Schools will be closed on Friday February 4th, 2022.
almost 3 years ago, Benton School District
Parents/Guardians: Click on the link below for important information regarding spring Parent/Teacher Conferences. Estimados padres/tutores: Haga clic en el enlace web a continuación para ver información sobre las conferencias de padres y maestros.
almost 3 years ago, Laura Kyzer
pt conferences
Attention Juniors and Seniors! #bhs #bhspanthers20212022
almost 3 years ago, Laura Kyzer
class rings
We’re so lucky to call Saline Memorial Hospital a Panther Partner. Thank you for the new AED to add to our fleet! This will replace an old device and ensure all buildings are current with an AED available. #BPSPantherPride
almost 3 years ago, Benton School District
PANTHERS- The link is now available to order your free rapid COVID-19 test kits through the government at the following site:
almost 3 years ago, Benton School District
Reminder: No School Monday! Graphic design: Annie C. #bhs #bhspanthers20212022
almost 3 years ago, Laura Kyzer
mlk jr
We will be closed on Monday, January 17, 2022 in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday. Graphic design: Annie C. #bhs #bhspanthers20212022
about 3 years ago, Laura Kyzer
mlk jr
COVID-19 Testing in Benton:
about 3 years ago, Benton School District
Thank you Benton Police Department for all you do for all Panthers! #BPSPantherPride #SRODay
about 3 years ago, Benton School District
Dear Parents, Guardians, and Community Members- With the rise in COVID-19 in our state and community, several school districts have moved to virtual learning. However, at this time, Benton Public Schools does not plan to move to virtual instruction. While our numbers of positive cases for the district and the state are on the rise, most of our positive cases have resulted from community spread during the holidays. Currently, we are able to provide supervision that allows us to provide for the academic needs and the safety of our students at the current positive and quarantine rates. A decision to move to remote learning will only be made IF absences among our teachers and staff compromise the education and/or safety and supervision of students. We are closely tracking the situation as each campus has different staffing needs. If there is a need for closure, we will give our school community as much notice as possible. Our goal is to keep our schools open, and students are learning in person as long as we can safely do so. We appreciate your patience as we work to make the best decisions for our students and staff. Con el aumento de COVID-19 en nuestro estado y comunidad, varios distritos escolares han optado por el aprendizaje virtual. Sin embargo, en este momento, las Escuelas Públicas de Benton no planean pasar a la instrucción virtual. Si bien nuestro número de casos positivos para el distrito y el estado está aumentando, la mayoría de nuestros casos positivos han sido el resultado de la propagación de la comunidad durante las vacaciones. Actualmente, podemos proporcionar supervisión que nos permite satisfacer las necesidades académicas y la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes con las tasas positivas y de cuarentena actuales. La decisión de pasar al aprendizaje virtual solo se tomará si las ausencias de nuestros maestros y personal comprometen la educación y/o la seguridad y la supervisión de los estudiantes. Estamos siguiendo de cerca la situación ya que cada campus tiene diferentes necesidades de personal. Si hay una necesidad de cierre, avisaremos a nuestra comunidad escolar con la mayor antelación posible. Nuestro objetivo es mantener nuestras escuelas abiertas y los estudiantes estarán aprendiendo en persona siempre que podamos hacerlo de manera segura. Agradecemos su paciencia mientras trabajamos para tomar las mejores decisiones para nuestros estudiantes y personal.
about 3 years ago, Benton School District
Several great jobs available: Occupational Therapy Assistant Custodian Elementary Tech Lab Secondary Education Secretary Bus Drivers Junior High Business Education Apply Here:
about 3 years ago, Benton School District
Reminder: The following rules will be followed regarding Quarantine times for 2nd Semester.
about 3 years ago, Benton School District
REMINDER: Second Semester begins on Tuesday January 4th, 2022. Campus will not be open for students on Monday January 3rd, 2022.
about 3 years ago, Benton School District
Happy New Year! Graphic design: Ella H. #bhs #bhspanthers20212022 #newyear2022
about 3 years ago, Laura Kyzer
Happy Holidays! Graphic design: Madi B. #bhs #bhspanthers20212022
about 3 years ago, Laura Kyzer
BENTON CHEER—STATE CHAMPS! 🥇 Way to go ladies!!
about 3 years ago, Benton School District