Welcome to the BHS Library Media Center!

Our library has many resources available to our students and teachers which include, but are not limited to books, eBooks, audiobooks, graphing calculators, printing, and tech support!  Please take the time to browse our Destiny Online Catalog to discover valuable resources.  Stop by the library or contact us today!


Click here to access the BHS Online Catalog.

Search the BHS Follett Destiny online catalog (left), or search for eBooks and audiobooks on the Sora App (right.)

Download the Sora App for your iPhone or Android, or use the website at https://soraapp.com/library/arkansas

Click here for instructions on how to use the SORA app.


Listen to our very own student led literary podcast, Bookmarked!

bookmarked logo

library hours

7:30 AM-3:30 PM


google calendar

BHS Library Media Center Calendar.
Click here to view the BHS Library Media Center Calendar. Please check the calendar before reserving any library media center space.

Google Form

BHS Library Media Center Reservation Form
Click here to access the BHS Library Media Center Reservation Form. This form must be completed to reserve the following locations: LMC Classroom, LMC Conference Rooms, and Amphitheater.

classroom novels

Classroom Novel Request Form
Click here, if you are a BHS teacher needing to request a set of classroom novels.

Meet the Library Media Center Staff

Mrs. Kyzer

Laura Kyzer

Library Media Specialist


Mrs. McCauley

Rachel McCauley

Library Media Assistant


Benton High School

Library Media Center

211 N. Border Street

Benton, AR 72015

(501) 778-3288 Main Office

(501) 776-5767 Library Office


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