Head to Greenbrier tonight to support our softball team! Graphic design credit: Morgan Glymp #bhs #bhspanthers20192020 #bhssoftball

Don’t forget to bring your verification sheets back to school signed tomorrow! #Repost @bentonhighcounselors

Spring Forward reminder—->

AP Physics build Newspaper Towers topped with a Snickers! 20 sheets, 1M of tape...here’s to some future engineers!

1 more evening to get those classes in!! HAC will close for class selections at 8am, Thursday, March 5th.

Mandatory Cheer & Dance Tryout Meeting Tonight! Graphic design credit: Emily Reyes #bhs #bhspanthers20192020 #bhscheer

HAC will close for elective selection this Thursday! Don't forget to select your courses for next year! Graphic design credit: Kimbree Earnest #bhs #bhspanthers20192020 #bhscaps #bhs20202021

Want to be a part of our award winning choir?! Tryouts are coming up soon!

Please remember you have 2 more evenings to get courses entered into HAC! Students will also be working on them in class tomorrow. HAC will close at 8 am, March 5th.

It's School Breakfast Week!

Come out and view some awesome artworks tomorrow! #bhs #bhspanthers20192020 #bhsartdept

New Scholarships posted this week: AR Trucking Assoc Scholarship, Class of 1969 Scholarship, Jake Koppel Scholarship, HSU Pie Scholarship, First Electric Coop Scholarship, Benton Area Chamber of Commerce Scholarship

Our awesome choir did it again! Congratulations! #bhs #bhspanthers20192020 #bhschoir

Today is the day!!
Mention Benton High School when you order, dine in or take out!

HAC was down last night but is up and running today! We apologize for any inconvenience. Please click on the link provided for the Student tutorial. HAC will remain open for students until March 4, 2020.

Come out and support our lady panthers!! #bhs #bhspanthers20192020 #bhssoftball

It’s game day Panthers!
Get out and support our softball and baseball teams tonight at 4:30 and 5!

BHS parents, guardians, and students, HAC is open for 2020-2021 course requests. Please watch the HAC tutorial video linked below for instructions. Students viewed this tutorial at school today.

Don’t forget to register for your elective courses! HAC opens today and will close on March 3! #bhs #bhspanthers20192020 #bhscourses20202021

Eat, enjoy and help us earn at our Spirit Night Donation. The event will be ALL Day THURSDAY at Red Robin, Benton.
20% of fundraising sales go to Benton High School. All you have to do is mention Benton High School to your server! *dine in and carry out orders*