Good luck to our football team today! Graphic design: Jacob P. #bhs #bhspanthers20212022 #bhsfootball

Juniors, don't forget to make arrangements to order your class ring with the representative soon! #bhs #bhspanthers20222023 #classrings

Tonight is the night for this important session regarding the Congressional Nomination process for the US Service Academies! #bhs #bhspanthers20222023 #usserviceacademies

Don't forget to wear red tomorrow! #bhs #bhspanthers20222023 #redribbonweek2022 #drugfreeisthewaytobe

Reminder: No school tomorrow! Graphic design: Will P. #bhs #bhspanthers20222023

No school on Monday! Graphic design: Nariya C. #bhs #bhspanthers20222023

Make-up pictures are coming soon! Graphic design: Alli George #bhs #bhspanthers20222023 #makeuppictureday

Our juniors attended a class meeting this morning regarding class rings. The representative will return on Nov. 2nd to take orders. #bhs #bhspanthers20222023 #classrings

Good luck to our volleyball team today! Graphic design: Bethany S. #bhs #bhspanthers20222023 #bhsvolleyball

Yearbooks are on sale NOW!

Don't forget about FAFSA Night! All senior students must fill out a FAFSA in order to receive student aid in college. If you need help navigating this important website, don't hesitate to join us! #bhs #bhspanthers20222023 #fafsanight

Red Ribbon Week is almost upon us! Get ready to celebrate with us! #bhs #bhspanthers20222023 #redribbonweek2022

Good luck to our football team tonight! Graphic design: Jayveon P.

3rd & 4th Block Nine Weeks Exams are Friday! Graphic design: Caroline W. #bhs #bhspanthers20222023 #nineweeksexams

1st & 2nd Block Nine Weeks Exams are Thursday! Graphic design: Laney S. #bhs #bhspanthers20222023 #nineweeksexams

Save the date for FAFSA Night! All senior students must fill out a FAFSA in order to receive student aid in college. If you need help navigating this important website, don't hesitate to join us! #bhs #bhspanthers20222023 #fafsanight

Don't forget this important session regarding the Congressional Nomination process for the US Service Academies! #bhs #bhspanthers20222023 #usserviceacademies

Good luck to our dance team today! Graphic design: Emma C. #bhs #bhspanthers20222023 #bhsdance

Attention Seniors! #bhs #bhspanthers20222023 #bhsyearbook2022 #seniors2022 #bhsseniors2022

Come out and support our Choir tonight! Graphic design: Faith G. #bhs #bhspanthers20222023 #bhschoir