One School One Book Family Night on October 4, 5:00 - 7:00

Did you know that September is HUNGER ACTION MONTH nationwide and is the beginning of the 2022 peanut butter drive? Each of our schools will be collecting jars of peanut butter throughout the month. The school that collects the most peanut butter will receive a trophy and bragging rights for the year! All peanut butter collected goes directly to a Saline County food pantry.

Caldwell 3rd graders helped add the heart decals to the Showcase School banner. Caldwell has been recognized as a show case school in the Capturing Kids Hearts program for the 4th year in a row.

Start preparing for PICTURE DAY. It is September 30. More details to follow.

Caldwell Elementary Open House will be Tuesday August 9. New students at 5:00. Returning students should report by last name. A-D 5:30 E-I 5:50 J-M 6:10 N-S 6:30 T-Z 6:50

This is FREE for all Benton students 18 and younger.

Congratulations, Seniors! We are proud of you!

Caldwell has been selected as a @CapturingKidsHearts National Showcase School! @iHeartCKH recognizes schools who go the extra mile creating the social-emotional safety that's conducive to learning. We are honored to have been chosen for the 4th year in a row! #CKHShowcaseSchool

Happy #NationalNursesWeek to these incredible nurses that take care of our staff and students every day! Thank you for all you do!

Congratulations to these teachers being voted their campus TEACHER OF THE YEAR!

We are so grateful for our Lunch Heroes!! 🦸🏼♀️ They don’t just cook and serve food. They love on our students and build relationships with them. These ladies are so kind and some of the hardest workers around! We are blessed to know them! Thank you for all you do!

Benton Athletic Camps coming up in the next month! Sign up here--->
Football: https://www.freshtix.com/events/2022-benton-panther-youth-football-camp--4th-thru-7th-grade
Boys Basketball: https://www.freshtix.com/events/boys-panther-basketball-camp
Girls Basketball: https://www.freshtix.com/events/lady-panther-basketball-camp
Volleyball: https://www.freshtix.com/events/2022-lady-panther-volleyball-camp

PDFL Football Signup available now! 4th, 5th, 6th grade students eligible!

FREE food drive Saturday April 23rd from 8am-10am at Benton High School.
Pick up a 20lb box of food courtesy of Tyson Foods!

Members of BHS drama club came out to greet students and welcome them to school last week. What fun to have Rapunzel and her friends start our day off right!!

Presenting the Caldwell Panthers 2022 Class of Contractionologists. These young “surgeons” performed letterectomies to turn two words into contractions.

Calling all former Caldwell Senior Parents: Starting to work on the Senior Breakfast at Caldwell Elementary, if you would like pictures of your child in the Caldwell Senior Breakfast video please e-mail them to mmarsh@bentonschools.org by May 10th. Limit of four pictures per student. Thank you!

Happy School Librarian to our favorite!!! Mrs. Beggs, we love you!! ❤️

Kindergarten Registration opens in less than a week!

Don't miss our Family Night next Tuesday! Come learning some tips and tricks about testing and the score reports!