BMS--El día de fotos de BMS es este jueves 23 de septiembre. Los formularios se enviaron a casa la semana pasada y hay formularios adicionales en la oficina. También puede hacer un pedido en con la identificación del día con foto: EVTXD8H7M
over 3 years ago, Karen Crosby
If you haven't already, please fill out a Free and Reduced Lunch application online. Although meals are free for EVERY student this year regardless of qualification, this application can qualify you for additional benefits. Free/Reduced Meal Application:
over 3 years ago, Benton School District
Please go to the link below to see important information regarding Parent-Teacher conferences on September 21 from 3:30-7:30. Vaya al enlace a continuaciĂłn para ver informaciĂłn importante sobre las conferencias de padres y maestros el 21 de septiembre de 3: 30-7: 30.
over 3 years ago, Ashley McKell
P/T Conf
Padres y tutores, Tendremos conferencias de padres / maestros virtualmente el 21 de septiembre de 2021, de 3: 30-7: 30 pm. Si desea hablar con el maestro de su hijo sobre su progreso, envĂ­ele un correo electrĂłnico directamente para hacer una cita. Luego, los maestros lo llamarĂĄn a la hora acordada. Los correos electrĂłnicos de los profesores se pueden encontrar aquĂ­ Correo electrĂłnico del personal de BMS Si su hijo tiene una D o F en alguna de sus clases, el maestro se comunicarĂĄ con usted para discutir su progreso y cĂłmo ayudar.
over 3 years ago, Ashley McKell
P/T Conf
Parents and Guardians, We will hold our Parent/Teacher conferences virtually this year. If you wish to speak with your child's teacher about their progress please email them directly to make an appointment. Teachers will then call you at the agreed-upon time. Faculty emails can be found at If your child has a D or F in any of their classes the teacher will be contacting you to discuss their progress and how to help.
over 3 years ago, Ashley McKell
P/T Conf
FRIDAY NIGHT BHS FOOTBALL GAME INFORMATION: 1. Paid Parking 2. Enter on the East (Visitor) side of stadium. 3. Sit on the South East side of the 50 yard line. Both teams' fans will sit on visitor side. 4. Band, cheer, FB team will enter in the the South East corner (visitor) locker room side. Online Tickets Only:
over 3 years ago, Benton School District
ICYMI: Shameka Christon hung up her jersey and is now a social worker in the Benton School District. She introduced Bright Futures, a program helping families in need.
over 3 years ago, Benton School District
Picture Day is Thursday, September 23, 2021 Visit: Enter your Picture Day ID: EVTXD8H7M EL DIA DE LA FOTO ES Thursday, September 23, 2021 Visita: Ingresa tu identificaciĂłn EVTXD8H7M del DĂ­a de la Foto
over 3 years ago, Ashley McKell
Benton Panther Bass Team will have our 1st meeting of the year, Aug. 31 at 5:30pm. We will meet at the BJH Freshman Academy conference room. This meeting is for new and existing teams. If you know someone interested in participating this year, pass this info along. Let's get this year started and Catch some fish. If you have any questions, Email me please at Mr. Kaczmarek El equipo de Benton Panther Bass tendrå nuestra primera reunión del año, el 31 de agosto a las 5:30 pm. Nos reuniremos en la sala de conferencias de BJH Freshman Academy. Esta reunión es para equipos nuevos y existentes. Si conoce a alguien interesado en participar este año, comparta esta información. Empecemos este año y pesquemos. Si tiene alguna pregunta, envíeme un correo electrónico a Sr. Kaczmarek
over 3 years ago, Ashley McKell
over 3 years ago, Benton School District
SHARE! Here is the map for parking at INFINITI of Central Arkansas for the Salt Bowl Pep Rally TONIGHT! Please share with friends!
over 3 years ago, Benton School District
Salvation Army Angel Tree Applications are on our website under the Counselor's Page. Paper copies are also available in the office. Applications must be turned in to the Salvation Army location listed below by the date listed. September 1-3, 2021 9:30am-3:00pm 22000 I-30 North Bryant, AR 72022 501-943-8048
over 3 years ago, Ashley McKell
DUE TO THE HEAT INDEX AND HIGH TEMPERATURES, ALL OUTDOOR ACTIVITES HAVE BEEN CANCELLED FOR AUGUST 23RD. This included the Tennis match scheduled for today against Sylvan Hills.
over 3 years ago, Benton School District
In 1 week Benton Panthers will be back in the classroom for the 2021-2022 school year. The School Board approved on Monday August 9th to purchase air purifiers for all classrooms in the district. With this purchase, students and staff will begin the year under the same guidelines as we ended the 2020-2021 school year. Masks will be optional for staff and students. We will continue to follow guidelines from the Arkansas Department of Health and Arkansas Department of Education.
over 3 years ago, Benton School District
CONGRATULATIONS! Kristi Chumley was named GT Administrator of the year. Way to go!
over 3 years ago, Benton School District
THE BENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT BREAKFAST & LUNCH WILL BE SERVED TO ALL STUDENTS AT NO CHARGE DURING THE 2021-2022 SCHOOL YEAR. It is not necessary to complete a meal application for free or reduced priced meals as the USDA has extended free meal benefits to all students at this time. For households who wish to complete a meal application, the link is here:
over 3 years ago, Benton School District
To all parents/Guardians: Please remember all normal childhood immunizations are due; especially for those entering Kindergarten, Seventh grade and all students who are eleven and sixteen. A new exemption letter is required each year per state law for non-immunized students.
over 3 years ago, Benton School District
BMS Parents- This message is for students that will be participating in 7th grade Boys Athletics next year. Please click the link for important information from the coaches. Padres de BMS: este mensaje es para los estudiantes que participarĂĄn en el atletismo de varones de 7Âș grado el prĂłximo año. Haga clic en el enlace para obtener informaciĂłn importante de los entrenadores.
over 3 years ago, Karen Crosby
TONIGHT AT 5&6 on @thv_11 : The importance of AEDs on campus. Who’s trained, how they can save lives.
over 3 years ago, Benton School District
BMS- Thank you students and parents for a great year. We hope you have a wonderful summer. Report cards were mailed out today. If you have a Chromebook or library book to return, please do so asap at the BMS office Mon-Thurs 8:00-3:00. BMS- Gracias a los estudiantes y padres por un gran año. Esperamos que tenga un verano maravilloso. Las boletas de calificaciones se enviaron por correo hoy. Si tiene un Chromebook o un libro de la biblioteca para devolver, hågalo lo antes posible en la oficina de BMS de lunes a jueves de 8:00 a 3:00.
over 3 years ago, Karen Crosby