Athletic Physicals Information on May 10th Athletic physicals will be May 10th in Cook Health and Fitness for the upcoming 10-12th grades. Doors will open at 5:30 with Jr. High opening at 6:45. Please see Coach White for the form OR stop by the office to pick one up OR you can find it on the school website under the athletics page. Physical Form found here: Exåmenes médicos físicos: los exåmenes físicos atléticos serån el 10 de mayo en Cook Health and Fitness para los próximos grados (en agosto) 10-12. Las puertas se abrirån a las 5:30 y Jr. High a las 6:45. Consulte al entrenador White para obtener el formulario o pase por la oficina para recoger uno, también puede encontrarlo en el sitio web de la escuela en la pågina de atletismo.
over 2 years ago, Benton School District
You are cordially invited to our spectacular Spring Choir Concert event! The concert(s) are on Monday, May 16th. 6th Grade: arrive at Butler Auditorium (between High School and Cook Fieldhouse) @ 5:30 - 5:45 Concert starts @ 6:00 7th Grade: arrive at Butler Auditorium @ 6:40 - 6:50 Concert starts @ 7:00 If you have any questions or concerns, please email Mr. Wright at
over 2 years ago, Ashley McKell
Spring Choir
PDFL Football Signup available now! 4th, 5th, 6th grade students eligible!
over 2 years ago, Benton School District
FREE food drive Saturday April 23rd from 8am-10am at Benton High School. Pick up a 20lb box of food courtesy of Tyson Foods!
over 2 years ago, Benton School District
Students in grades 5, 6, 7 will test on our BMS campus. Testing will begin promptly at 8:10 am each day. Please do not make any appointments for your student on the days of testing. Tuesday, May 10 - Math and Writing Wednesday, May 11- English and Reading Thursday, May 12- Science Los estudiantes en los grados 5, 6, 7 tomarån la prueba en nuestro campus de BMS. Las pruebas comenzarån puntualmente a las 8:10 am todos los días. Por favor no haga ninguna cita para su estudiante en los días de prueba. Martes, 10 de mayo - Matemåticas y Escritura Miércoles 11 de mayo- Inglés y Lectura Jueves 12 de mayo- Ciencias
almost 3 years ago, Ashley McKell
CONGRATS! Benton Middle School Principal Steve Quinn named AAMLA Principal of the Year. #BPSPantherPride
almost 3 years ago, Benton School District
What do you think about the Cafeteria at your student's school? Let us know here!
almost 3 years ago, Benton School District
Thank you to these Panthers who help our student athletes every day!
almost 3 years ago, Benton School District
Everett Buick GMC presented a gift of $10,000 to Benton Women’s Athletic Programs to show their commitment to increase women’s visibility in sports. Thank you for all you do!
almost 3 years ago, Benton School District
#ReadAcrossAmericaDay #BPSPantherPride
almost 3 years ago, Benton School District
Incorporate Reading in your home everyday this month! Starting tomorrow, March 1st, see how you and your students can get involved in a good book 📚 #literacy #BPSPantherPride
almost 3 years ago, Benton School District
Benton Public Schools: Due to inclement weather, all Benton Public School campuses will be closed TOMORROW, February 24th. This will be an AMI day for all students. Debido al clima, todas las Escuelas PĂșblicas de Benton permanecerĂĄn cerradas MAÑANA. Este serĂĄ un dĂ­a AMI para todos los estudiantes.
almost 3 years ago, Benton School District
Benton Public Schools: Due to inclement weather this afternoon, all campuses will dismiss at 12p. Buses will run normal routes at that time. At this time, a decision regarding tomorrow has not been made. Debido al pronĂłstico del mal clima de esta tarde, todas las escuelas cerrarĂĄn y mandaran a casa a todos sus estudiantes a las 12 p.m. Todos los autobuses harĂĄn sus rutas normales a partir de esta hora.
almost 3 years ago, Benton School District
Reminder: No School this Monday
almost 3 years ago, Benton School District
All students interested in the 2022-2023 8th and 9th BJH Dance Team or BHS Dance Team will have a mandatory Zoom Meeting, Monday, February 28th at 6:00 PM. A parent/guardian and the athlete trying out must be present. Please follow the QR Code and fill out the Google Form and an email will be sent to you on Monday, February 28th with the Zoom link. You must have a current physical to try out. If you have any questions, please email Coach Watson at Tryouts will be held March 7th-11th.
almost 3 years ago, Benton School District
Parent/Teacher conferences Tuesday, Feb. 8 will be held virtually from 3:30-7:30 pm. Please email teachers directly to make an appointment. Faculty emails can be found at BMS Staff Email on our website. If your child has a D or F in any of their classes, the teacher will be contacting you to discuss their progress and how to help.
almost 3 years ago, Ashley McKell
PT Conf
We’re so lucky to call Saline Memorial Hospital a Panther Partner. Thank you for the new AED to add to our fleet! This will replace an old device and ensure all buildings are current with an AED available. #BPSPantherPride
almost 3 years ago, Benton School District
PANTHERS- The link is now available to order your free rapid COVID-19 test kits through the government at the following site:
almost 3 years ago, Benton School District
COVID-19 Testing in Benton:
about 3 years ago, Benton School District
Thank you Benton Police Department for all you do for all Panthers! #BPSPantherPride #SRODay
about 3 years ago, Benton School District