Just one more week to donate Peanut Butter for the Arkansas Foodbank. Help us hit our goal of 1000 jars!
Thanks to a USDA waiver, Benton Schools is proud to announce FREE meals for all students. Starting Tuesday, September 7, all Benton students can receive a breakfast and a lunch every day, at no cost. Virtual students may also receive this same benefit by signing up for meal pick up.
This waiver is effective thru December 31, 2020. It is still very important to complete a free/reduced application.
ENLACE DE RECOGIDA DE COMIDAS: No se olvide - recoger comida el martes por la noche - la fecha lĂmite para hacer pedidos es hoy a las 6 pm.
Tenga en cuenta que este formulario debe enviarse antes de las 2 pm del lunes para la recogida el martes; y antes de las 2 pm del miĂ©rcoles para recoger el jueves. Puede pedir todas las comidas de la semana a la vez, pero solo recogerĂĄ las comidas segĂșn lo programado. El martes recogerĂĄ las comidas del miĂ©rcoles y jueves. El jueves recogerĂĄ las comidas del viernes, lunes y martes.
No se nos permite ofrecer comidas en los dĂas programados de cierre de la escuela.
La recogida a travĂ©s de la entrega en la acera es todos los martes y jueves de 5:00 a 6:30 p. M. En la cafeterĂa Angie Grant. Conduzca hasta la parte trasera del edificio.
EnvĂe un correo electrĂłnico a sadams@bentonschools.org con cualquier pregunta.
Meal Pick-Up Order Form
Benton School District Virtual Learners school meal order form.
Please note this form must be submitted by 2 pm Monday for the Tuesday pick up; and by 2 pm Wednesday for Thursday pick up. You may order all meals for the week at once, but will only be picking up meals as scheduled. On Tuesday, you will pick up meals for Wednesday and Thursday. On Thursday, you will pick up meals for Friday, Monday and Tuesday.
We are not allowed to offer meals on scheduled school closure days.
Pick up via curbside delivery is every Tuesday and Thursday, 5:00-6:30 pm at Angie Grant Cafeteria. Please drive around to the back of the building.
Please email sadams@bentonschools.org with any questions.
Picture day is September 22. Go to mylifetouch.com
Enter your Picture Day ID: EVTQ77PDZ
To order your package
El dĂa de la fotografĂa es el 22 de septiembre. Vaya a mylifetouch.com Ingrese su ID de dĂa con foto: EVTQ77PDZ
Para ordenar su paquete
See link below---->
If you do not have reliable internet for your child to do their schoolwork, you can apply for an internet device through the application below.
Please note that devices are extremely limited. Because of this, we cannot guarantee that everyone who applies will receive a device.
Per the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, priority is given to:
âą Students learning virtually due to a COVID-19 related health situation
âą Students who are economically disadvantaged (Free or Reduced School Lunches)
âą Students who are experiencing homelessness
Padres de Familia
Si no tiene Internet confiable para que su hijo haga sus tareas escolares, puede solicitar un modem de Internet a través de la aplicación a continuación.
Tenga en cuenta que los modems de Internet son extremadamente limitados. Debido a esto, no podemos garantizar que todos los que soliciten recibirĂĄn un dispositivo.
SegĂșn el Departamento de EducaciĂłn Primaria y Secundaria, se da prioridad a:
· Estudiantes que aprenden virtualmente debido a una situación de salud relacionada con COVID-19
· Estudiantes que se encuentran en desventaja económica (almuerzos escolares gratuitos o reducidos)
· Estudiantes que se encuentran sin hogar
Student Internet Application https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BPSStudentInternet2020
Hot Spot access points have been distributed to local churches and Big Red Stores. Students that need internet access can go to these locations with their school issued device, and automatically be connected to the hot spot.
620 Military Rd, 820 Edison Ave., 2908 Congo Rd., 1219 W. South St., 109 East Woodson Lateral Rd. (Hensley), 4720 US-67.
First Baptist Church Benton, First Church of the Nazarene, Ten Mile Missionary Baptist Church, Holland Chapel, First Presbyterian, Trinity Baptist Church, Salem Methodist, Elect Temple, Gateway, Highland Heights.
Beginning on September 8th, the Benton School District will continue with a standard school schedule Monday-Friday for all students. This is district wide, all students will be in class.
Students that chose the virtual option, will continue classes online.
A partir del 8 de septiembre, el distrito escolar de Benton continuarĂĄ con un horario escolar estĂĄndar de lunes a viernes para todos los estudiantes. Esto es para todo el distrito, todos los estudiantes estarĂĄn en clase.
Los estudiantes completaron su horario virtual para el miĂ©rcoles en su clase de asesorĂa. Tienen una copia por correo electrĂłnico y una copia en papel del horario de clases del miĂ©rcoles.
BĂĄsico (matemĂĄticas, ciencias, estudios sociales, artes del lenguaje)
8: 00-8: 40 1er perĂodo
8: 45-9: 25 2do perĂodo
9: 30-10: 10 3er perĂodo
10: 15-10: 55 Cuarto perĂodo
12: 30-1: 10 1er perĂodo
1: 15-1: 55 2do perĂodo
2: 00-2: 40 3er perĂodo
Students completed their virtual schedule for Wednesday in their Advisory class. They have an email copy and a paper copy of the class schedule for Wednesday.
Core (Math, Science, Social Studies, Language Arts)
8:00-8:40 1st Period
8:45-9:25 2nd Period
9:30-10:10 3rd Period
10:15-10:55 4th Period
12:30-1:10 1st Period
1:15-1:55 2nd Period
2:00-2:40 3rd Period
MEAL PICKUP LINK: Don't forget - meal pick up Tuesday Night- order deadline is today (Monday August 24th) at 6pm.
BMS Parents- Check out the link below for important back to school information.
Padres de BMS: consulte el enlace a continuaciĂłn para obtener informaciĂłn importante sobre el regreso a la escuela.
Thank you Everett for supplying BMS with 1500 bottles of hand sanitizer and water!
Benton School District Virtual Learners school meal order form. Please fill out the following form at the link belowâ->
Please be aware this road going from Border St. to the Middle School is NOT AVAILABLE.
Find an alternate route if this is the road you have taken in the past.
Se han agregado muchos elementos nuevos a nuestra pĂĄgina web BMS. Por favor, consulte "Bienvenidos a la escuela secundaria Benton" para ver una jornada de puertas abiertas virtual. En "Videos para estudiantes / padres" encontrarĂĄ muchos elementos Ăștiles, como cĂłmo restablecer su contraseña, asĂ como nuestro Informe al pĂșblico y la informaciĂłn del TĂtulo 1.
Many new items have been added to our BMS web-page. Please check under "Welcome to Benton Middle School" for a virtual open house. Under "Student/Parent Videos" you will find many helpful items such as how to reset your password, as well as, our Report to the Public and Title 1 information.
Los estudiantes de BMS en el sitio y virtual deberån recoger su horario y sacar un Chromebook para este año escolar.
Por favor imprima y firme el siguiente acuerdo antes de venir a recoger su dispositivo.
Tendremos formularios adicionales disponibles, pero le pedimos que traiga su propio bolĂgrafo.
Inglés: https://bit.ly/3k7wiaE
Español: https://bit.ly/30o0PsP
All BMS students (Both virtual and on-site) will need to pick up their SCHEDULE and CHECK OUT a Chromebook for this school year.
Please have the following agreement printed and signed before coming to pickup your device.
We will have extra forms available, but we ask you to bring your own pen.
English: https://bit.ly/3k7wiaE
Spanish: https://bit.ly/30o0PsP