You've got mail!
We’ve sent a test email to our entire district. If you received it, you don't need to take any further action!
If you did not receive the email, please get in touch with your child’s school to join the mailing list. Only those on your child’s contact list will be eligible to join.
Being on our email list is essential for staying informed. Because our district text messages have character limits, we often follow up with important details via email.
Thank you for being part of our community!

It’s time for our annual Salt Bowl Peanut Butter Drive! We will be collecting jars of peanut butter throughout September. You can drop off your donations at your child’s school or any Benton school from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Every jar of peanut butter you donate makes a difference! Please help us ensure that no child in Saline County goes without a nutritious meal!

The Saline County Health Unit is holding a Back to School Immunization Clinic to prepare students for the upcoming school year. Call 501-303-5650 to schedule your appointment!

When you visit your student's campus this year, look for this sign! In an effort to track parent engagement on our campuses, our school counselors have created a quick way to let us know that you visited! This helps us track parental involvement and learn what events you like to attend.

Mark your calendars for the Ralph Bunche Community Action Committee Back2School Picnic! The event will be held on Saturday, August 3rd, from 9 am to 12 pm at the newly remodeled Ralph Bunch Community Center, 1600 Dixie Street, Benton. It will not be held at the park. This event is for families in the Benton School District only.

Are you interested in becoming a substitute teacher in the Benton School District? Join our team of substitute teachers and be a part of the Panther family! Come to the ESS hiring event this Thursday from 9 am to 12 pm at 211 N Border Street for more information and to apply!

The Benton School District Summer Feeding Program will begin this Wednesday, June 12, and run through July 26, with closures on July 4th and 5th. Meals will be served at Angie Grant Elementary in the cafeteria; participants will enter the doors facing the high school. Anyone 18 years of age or younger qualify and do not have to attend the Benton School District. Breakfast and lunch will be served and must be consumed on-site.

Looking ahead! Mark your calendars for The Ralph Bunche Community Action Committee Back2School picnic! The event will be held on Saturday, August 3rd, from 9 a.m. to noon at the newly remodeled Ralph Bunche Community Center, 1600 Dixie St, Benton, AR 72015. It will not be at the park.

Students' last day is this Friday, May 24, 2024. Central Office summer hours will begin on Monday, June 3, 2024. Those hours are Monday through Thursday, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., with offices closed for Memorial Day and July 4th - 5th

You're invited! Join us as we honor and celebrate our retirees! Our Taco'Bout Retirement celebration will be this Wednesday, May 8th, at the Professional Development Center at 211 N. Border St. We hope to see you there!

It's time!! ⏰ Kindergarten Registration is THIS Thursday, April 11, and Friday, April 12
📓🖍✂️ If your child turns five on or before August 1, 2024, they are eligible for kindergarten at the Benton School District! You can start the process by registering online starting NOW! We encourage you to register soon to secure your child’s spot at their zoned school! To check their zone and for more information, visit our website. ⬇️ https://ww2.bentonschools.org/page/registration
We are excited to welcome our newest Panthers to the Panther family!!🐾
If you are registering for school choice for your incoming kindergartner, registration instructions will be included in your acceptance letter, which will be mailed out after the May 1st deadline.
Even after completing the online registration, we would still love to see you at our in-person registration on April 11th or 12th. Each elementary will have a representative to verify all paperwork has been completed.
Bring your future kindergarteners because we have a fun activity planned for them! 🐾

Benton Public Schools will be closed from Monday, March 18, to Friday, March 22. We look forward to seeing our Panthers on Monday, March 25, 2024. We hope our students and staff enjoy a well-deserved break!

💐 Don't forget to spring forward this weekend! Daylight Saving Time begins on Sunday, March 10th. Set your clocks ahead one hour before you head to bed on Saturday night. Let's get ready for the longer days ahead!

📚✏️ Dreaming of making a difference? 💭
We are looking for passionate individuals to join our team as substitute teachers! 🍎 Apply now to inspire and empower the next generation! Call 800-641-0140 or visit ess.com for more information.

If your family is experiencing food insecurity and your children attend Benton School District, please contact our Bright Futures Coordinator, Shameka Criston, at schriston@bentonschools.org for assistance.

The Benton School Board approved the 2024-2025 school calendar. The Benton School District will bank minutes in the upcoming school year. We have recently implemented an alternative calendar where we are currently banking minutes to make up for recent snow days. Although we have yet to determine the exact school start and end times, they will likely be similar to the current schedule. However, we will announce those times once we have them established

If you are not receiving the district's text messages and would like to, text "START" to 98900. To receive messages, even after opting in, you must be a contact for your student in e-school. That means the back-to-school paperwork you filled out at the beginning of the year must have your number listed as a contact for the student. If you have opted out of receiving messages from a different district, chances are we use the same software, and you have also opted out of our communication.

Benton Public Schools will be closed on Monday, January 15, 2023, in observance of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday. Classes will resume on Tuesday, January 16, 2023.

Holiday Fun Dress Up Fun Starts Monday, December 11 at MVES!

Benton Public Schools will be closed from December 21st - to January 3rd for Christmas Break.