Kelly Keene, PRINCIPAL
HP is the place to be for Mrs. Keene! Mrs. Keene graduated from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock with a degree in Elementary Education in 2000. She taught four years at Daisy Bates Elementary in Pulaski County, two years at Bayyari Elementary in Springdale, and eight years at Bryant Elementary in Bryant. She received her Master of Education in Gifted and Talented Education and Educational Leadership certification from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Mrs. Keene served as the Assistant Principal at Howard Perrin for the last ten years. She and her husband, Zach have been married for 16 years and have a daughter, Korbin, who attends Benton Jr. High. She has two weimaraners, Kona and Roux, and her family spends most of their weekends outside at a softball field.
Principal - Kelly Keene
Assistant Principal - Kelli Fuller
Counselor - Kenya Lewis
Secretary - Stacey Sample
Office Aide - Susan Burris
Accu Scan - Karyn Boothman
Nurse - Amber Raymond
Howard Perrin
1201 Smithers Drive
Benton, AR 72015
(501) 778-7411